Monday, March 15, 2010

Blog Post 1_3/15/10

Hi there folks. It has been a long time coming for this blog. I have never really felt that anyone would truly want to hear from me on a weekly/daily basis, but having spent time on many blogs that are out there today, I am confident that some people might want to. I have just recently returned form WPPI 201o. That is the Wedding Portrait Professional International. It was an inspiring week with many new techniques learned. The biggest thing I got out of the conference other than the fact that I NEED my family in order to feel secure and stable, is that social media and blogging is such an essential tool in today's marketing strategies. I will devote the next 6 months to a year researching this. If any of you have had successes or failures please feel free to share, as I will share what I find. Please stay tuned as I hope to update this as often as I can.